
Methods of obtaining reference data from the ZR

Web Services

Through the web services, an entity can draw reference data from the RoW. An entity that operates in an agenda, has this agenda duly declared in the RPP, has registered its agenda information system (also known as AIS) and has been issued a valid certificate by the administration of the basic registers (also known as SZR), and must have its own legal authorization to draw data in its own law and according to Law No.111 /2009 Coll., on the basic registers, this entity is entitled to draw reference data from the ZR through external services of the information system of the basic registers administration (also referred to as ISZR).

In order to retrieve the reference data by web services, it is necessary to first identify your data trunk to the CR and then log in to receive notifications of changes.


The abbreviation Czech POINT stands for Czech Submission Authentication and Information National Terminal. It is a contact point of public administration that provides citizens with, in particular, verified data held in central registers such as the Criminal Register, the Commercial Register or the Trade Register. In addition to standard services, extracts from the basic registers can be used pursuant to Act No 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers, as amended. Citizens have the opportunity to verify the data held in the registers about them, while officials have access to reference data from the basic registers through forms in the CzechPOINT@office section.

One of the objectives of the implementation is to make services to citizens and other entities faster, more accessible and more efficient. Czech POINT is thus a contact point of public administration, which allows to obtain statements or make submissions in a single place.

Data Box Information System

The datový boxes can be used to send documents in electronic form to public authorities and to receive them from them.

The Communication via data boxes replaces the classic method of delivery in paper form, because Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on electronic acts and authorised conversion of documents, puts the paper and electronic versions of the sent document on an equal footing. Public authorities and legal entities are automatically provided with data boxes, all others upon their request. Anyone who has a data box and is an authorised person pursuant to Article 8 of Act No 300/2008 Coll., on electronic acts and authorised document conversion, as amended, may request extracts.

Citizen's portal and public administration portal

Natural persons (citizens) have the possibility to request extracts from the basic registers via a data box on their personalised citizen's portal account if they have a data box set up on the citizen's portal and connected to their profile. It is possible to log in to the citizen portal with a data box, name-password-SMS or electronic ID card with chip, issued from 1 July 2018.

Who can request reference data from the CR

Web services

A public administration entity with its AIS, which has a legal mandate in its law to use reference data from the FR, operating in a duly declared agenda in the Register of Rights and Obligations and has been issued a valid certificate by the administration of the basic registers to access the FR. Furthermore, a private law entity indirectly through the AIS of a public authority, which again has a legal mandate to use data from the basic registers in the assigned agenda duly declared in the RPP.        


The contact point, depending on the type of individual forms available within Czechpoint, can be used by individuals, natural persons and legal entities. Further information on who can apply for each type of form is available in Types of applications for obtaining reference data from the ZR.

Data Box Information System

The Data Box Information System is a means for obtaining reference data from the basic registers by sending one of the forms in Types of requests for obtaining reference data from the basic registers Anyone who has an established data box and is an authorised person pursuant to Section 8 of Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on Electronic Acts and Authorised Conversion of Documents, as amended, may request extracts. Other subjects may optionally set up a data box.

Citizen's portal and public administration portal

Any natural person (citizen) who has a data box connected to his/her profile on his/her personalised account on the citizen portal is able to request an extract of data from the basic registers within the citizen portal. Within the public administration portal, any subject listed in the Types of requests for obtaining reference data from the basic registers, according to the type of request has the possibility to submit a request for obtaining reference data from the basic registers.    

Types of requests for obtaining reference data from the RoW

Request for extraction of data from the population register - pursuant to Section 58 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers, as amended.

Application for public extract of data from the register of persons - pursuant to Section 61 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, as amended.

Request for extraction (non-public) of data from the register of persons - pursuant to Section 61 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, as amended.

Application for record of the use of data in the population register - pursuant to Section 14 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers, as amended.

Request for record of data use in the register of persons - pursuant to Section 14 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on basic registers, as amended.

Request for change of data in the event of a discrepancy in the population register - pursuant to Section 14 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers, as amended.

Request for change of data in case of a discrepancy in the register of persons - pursuant to Section 14 of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, as amended.

Request for provision of data from the population register to a third party - pursuant to Section 58a of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on basic registers, as amended.

Request for revocation of the provision of data from the population register to a third party - pursuant to Section 58a of Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the basic registers, as amended.

Fees associated with requests for extracts