3E (Economy, Efficiency, Expediency)
ABC (Activity Based Costing) - process cost management
Risk Analysis (Risk Management)
BPM (Business Process Management) - process management
BSC (Balanced Scorecard) - a system of balanced scorecard indicators of business performance
Business Analysis and Planning
Capability Based Planning (The OpenGroup methodology)
CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis) - Cost Benefit Assessment
DPL - Digital Friendly Legislation
Financial Planning
Competency Matrix (RASCI)
Logical Framework - a structured concentration (on one page) of everything essential about a project enabling everyone to quickly understand why the project is being undertaken and what it is intended to achieve. It is used to coordinate people and manage change, applying the SMART approach as much as possible.
Performance measurement (PM)
Methodologies for determining TCO for the acquisition and operation of ICT services within the Government Cloud (Annex 3. Summary analytical reports Project Preparation of eGovernment Cloud TCO)
Staff development
Programme Management
Project Management,
PoC (Proof of Concept) - Proof of Concept (not only functional, but also economical, complexity and assumptions of implementation, ..)
RASCI matrix - see Competency matrix
RCA (Root Cause Analysis) - Root Cause Analysis
RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment)
ROI (Return On Investments)
Quality Management
Cost Controlling
Portfolio Management (Mop)
Needs / Requirements Management
Management of Risk (MoR)
Customer Relationship Management
Resource Management
Change management (including programme and project management, see separate methods).
Life Cycle Management
Variance management
Reliability maintenance management
SMART approach - objectives should always be: Specified, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Timed
Strategic Planning:
International benchmarking studies.
Feasibility Study,
SWOT analysis
TCO (Total Cost of Ownership)
Factual Framework