======CzechPOINT====== The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic built [[:nap:czechpoint|Czech POINT (abbreviation for Czech Submission Verification Information National Terminal)]], as part of [[nap: univerzalni_kontaktni_misto|Assisted Universal Contact Point]] with the aim of creating a universal filing, verification point and information centre where one could obtain in one place all the data, copies and extracts that are kept in central public records and registers, as well as in central non-public records and registers on one's person, belongings and rights. A place where it is also possible to verify documents, deeds, signatures as well as the electronic form of documents and to make submissions to any public administration office. The main services are therefore: * Authorised extract service from the public administration information system. * Authorised submission service to the public administration information system * Authorised document conversion service Currently, at Czech POINT offices it is possible to obtain, for example, an extract from the Land Register, the Commercial Register or the Criminal Register. The complete list of services is published here https://www.czechpoint.cz/public/verejnost/sluzby/. The assisted contact points of Czech POINT will be developed in the coming years to the extent that it will be possible to make a similar range of submissions, obtain a similar range of data and information on the course of proceedings in all cases that the state is conducting in relation to a person, as will be offered by the self-service contact points. However, it is not realistic that an assisted universal point of contact will ever encompass all of the services and information that can be obtained at a self-service or dedicated point of contact. This is because the high degree of specialisation of some services (e.g. tax returns) prevents all services from being provided by an assisted one-stop shop. There are also plans to use Czech POINT contact points to apply for various types of documents, which are unlikely to be professional cards in the first phase. ==== CzechPOINT services ==== ^**Service categories** ^**Service name** ^**Service promoter** ^**Service scope** ^**Service target group** ^**What is needed to use the service** ^**Fees** ^**Legislation** ^ | Extracts from public administration information systems | Issuance of verified output from the List of Qualified Suppliers |Ministry for Regional Development | The List of Qualified Suppliers is maintained by the Ministry of Local Development as part of the Public Procurement Information System. The Ministry of Local Development enters into the list suppliers who have fulfilled the qualifications according to Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, have proved the fulfilment of the qualifications to the Ministry with the relevant documents and have paid the administrative fee. |This service is primarily intended for companies and suppliers interested in bidding for public contracts. Thus, an extract from the List of Qualified Suppliers can be used by a supplier in a procurement procedure to replace documents proving compliance with basic and professional qualification criteria. The contracting authority is obliged to accept an extract from the list if it is not more than 3 months old. This is a public register, anyone can request an extract.|To obtain an extract from the List of Qualified Suppliers, it is only necessary to know the identification number of the organisation. | The issue of the first page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 100; each additional page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 50. | Act No. 37/2006 Coll., on Public Procurement, as amended | |Extractions from public administration information systems |Extraction from driver's points | Ministry of Transport |This service allows citizens to find out the status of criminal points (without points in administrative proceedings) at the public administration contact point. The extract is provided from the Central Register of Drivers maintained by the Ministry of Transport, which includes the record of points. This extract is only informative for citizens and does not replace the extract from the driver card for contact with the authorities. The issue of extracts of drivers' penalty points by public administration contact points is regulated by Act No 480/2008 Coll. | The extract can only be requested by the applicant himself or by an agent appointed by him. A statement can also be issued to foreigners who have, for example, permanent residence in the Czech Republic. | The person who applies for a statement at a Czech POINT must have a valid identity document (ID card, passport) and must be assigned a birth number. To trace the driver in the register, it is also possible to enter the number of the driver's licence optionally. | The administrative fee that the applicant pays at the local government offices is for the first page max. 100,-CZK and for each additional page max. 50,-CZK. For other operators of contact points (Czech Post, Chamber of Commerce, notaries) the fee is governed by the internal tariffs of each organization. | Act No. 480/2008 Coll., amending Act No. 274/2008 Coll., amending certain acts, in connection with the adoption of the Act on the Police of the Czech Republic, \\ Act No. 361/2000 Coll, Act No. 141/1961 Coll., on Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code), as amended | | Extracts from public administration information systems | Extract from the Insolvency Register | Ministry of Justice | The Insolvency Register is a public administration information system administered by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. Its basic task is to ensure maximum publicity about insolvency proceedings and to enable monitoring of their progress. The Insolvency Register publishes all relevant information concerning insolvency administrators, documents from insolvency files and statutory information concerning debtors. | For the public | It is a publicly accessible register, so it is not necessary to verify the identity of the applicant.The register can be searched on the basis of two parameters - the identification number of the organisation (search for the relevant organisation) and by personal data (search for a specific person). |The fee for a certified extract is governed by the Act on Administrative Fees, i.e. CZK 100 for the first page and CZK 50 for each subsequent page. |Act No. 182/2006 Coll., on bankruptcy and its resolution (Insolvency Act), as amended | | Extracts from public administration information systems | Extract from the Cadastre of Real Estate | Czech Geodetic and Cadastral Office | An anonymous applicant may request an extract from the Cadastre of Real Estate of the Czech Republic. Extract can be requested on the basis of \\ - ownership list,\\ - list of properties,\\ - list of units.\\ \\ - full extract from the Cadastre of Real Estate,\\ - partial extract from the Cadastre of Real Estate, where an extract can be issued e.g. only with some properties listed on the ownership list.\\ - extract of an image from the cadastral map. An anonymous applicant may request an extract from the Cadastre of Real Estate of the Czech Republic. The extract can be requested on the basis of the title deed or the list of properties. |- If the applicant requests an extract on the basis of the title deed, he/she must know the cadastral territory and the number of the title deed. \\ - If the applicant is requesting an extract according to the list of real estate, he should know the cadastral territory and either the parcel number of the requested real estate, if it is a plot of land, or the building parcel, or the descriptive number, if it is a building.\\ - An extract can also be requested according to the list of units, if the building is divided into units, which is typical for larger buildings divided into individual apartments, garages, etc. In this case, of course, the applicant must know not only the descriptive number of the building, but also the exact number of the apartment in the building.\\ - If the applicant is requesting an extract of an image from the cadastral map, the applicant must know in the case of a plot of land the data about the plot (the tribal number and subdivision number), or in the case of a building the type and number of the building.|If the applicant is requesting an extract according to the title deed or the list of immovable property: in both cases, the issue of the first page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 100; each additional page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 50, on the cadastre of real estate, as amended | |Extractions from public administration information systems |Extraction from the Criminal Register | Criminal Register - Ministry of Justice | The applicant may request that the extract also include data from the Criminal Register from another EU Member State in which the applicant resided.\\ On the basis of a signed written request, the Czech POINT employee sends an electronic request to the Criminal Register, which responds either by forwarding the extract or information on the inclusion of the request in the so-called "criminal register". \\ In case the Criminal Records Office responds by sending an electronic extract, the extract is printed, completed with a verification clause and completed.\\ In the case of manual processing, the applicant is only given a so-called "dressing slip" which contains the deadline by which the extract should be ready. The applicant arrives at any contact point within the given deadline and has a criminal record extract issued on the basis of the dress slip and proof of identity. Pursuant to Section 11a(1) of Act No 269/1994 Coll., on the Criminal Record, as amended, an extract from the Criminal Record may be issued to the person to whom the extract relates only on the basis of a written request. This request does not need to be filled in manually, the client receives it completed for signature before the criminal record extract is issued to him. This application shall be archived in accordance with the law. | The applicant for a criminal record extract must have a valid identity document and be assigned a personal identification number. This means that an extract can also be issued to foreigners who, for example, have permanent residence in the Czech Republic. At Czech POINT offices, extracts can also be issued to proxies who apply for an extract from the Criminal Register on the basis of an officially certified power of attorney. In the next step, an application for an extract is printed out and signed by the applicant.\\ In the case of an electronic extract, the applicant takes the extract on the spot and pays an administrative fee.\\ In the case of so-called manual processing, the applicant arrives at any contact point on a given date and, on the basis of a dress card and an identity document, has a criminal record extract issued. In the case of an electronic extract, the applicant takes the extract and pays an administrative fee of CZK 100 (irrespective of the number of pages, in accordance with Act No 634/2004 Coll., on administrative fees, as amended). The administrative fee is the revenue of the verifying municipality. No collection is made on the extract provided.In the case of manual processing, the applicant shall pay an administrative fee of CZK 100 regardless of the number of pages. | Act No. 269/1994 Coll., on the Criminal Record, as amended | |Excerpts from public administration information systems |Excerpt from the Criminal Register of a legal entity | Criminal Register - Ministry of Justice |In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal entities and proceedings against them, and Act No. 420/2011 Coll, on amendments to certain acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against them, the Ministry of Justice established a register of the criminal record of a legal person.\\ An extract from the criminal record of a legal person is issued from this register. The data from the criminal record of legal entities, which are included in the extract, are publicly accessible; any natural person may be an applicant. For this reason, the identity of the person submitting the application for an extract relating to a legal person shall not be verified. The application shall not be printed or archived. |For the public, the applicant may be a natural person |Identification number of the person. If the entity does not have a personal identification number in the Czech Republic, a statement cannot be issued on request. The applicant may contact the Criminal Register directly, Soudní 140 66, Prague 4. A template for the request for an extract can be found here. |The legal fee for the issue of an extract is a maximum of 100 CZK for the first page and for each subsequent page a maximum of 50 CZK, No. 420/2011 Coll., on amendments to certain acts in connection with the adoption of the Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against them, as amended | | Extracts from public administration information systems | Extract from Public Registers | Ministry of Justice |About extract from Public Registers (see Act No. 304/2013 Coll, on public registers of legal and natural persons) can be requested by an anonymous applicant. \\\ Public registers of legal and natural persons are:\\\ - association register\\\\ - foundation register\\\ - register of institutions\\\ - register of unit owners' associations\\\ - commercial register\\\\ - register of public benefit societies\\\ An employee of the Czech POINT contact point can issue:\\ - Full extract - it contains all the information that has been entered in the commercial register for the duration of the company's existence. \\ - Listing of valid - contains a summary of information about the company as of the current date. Can be requested by an anonymous applicant. The extract can be requested on the basis of knowledge of the identification number of the person (ID number) registered in one of the public registers. |The issuance of the first page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 100; each additional page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 50. |Act No. 304/2013 Coll., on public registers of legal and natural persons, as amended. | Extracts from public administration information systems | Extract from the Trade Register | Ministry of Industry and Trade | An anonymous applicant may request an extract from the Trade Register of the Czech Republic. An anonymous applicant may apply for an extract from the Trade Register of the Czech Republic. The extract can be requested on the basis of knowledge of the identification number (ID number) of the organisation. | The issuance of the first page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 100; each additional page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is limited by law to CZK 50. | Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Enterprise, as amended | | Extracts from public administration information systems | Extract of electronic patient prescriptions | State Institute for Drug Control | Extract of electronic patient prescriptions. The medication record shall provide the applicant with an accurate overview of what medicines have been prescribed and dispensed, when, by whom and in what quantity. The new service will thus help to improve the quality of health care and eliminate possible mistakes in prescribing further medication, for example when we are not sure what medication we have taken. Both the representation and the authorisation must be supported by appropriate documents. | The individual may request a statement in his/her own name, or in the name of the parent as the legal guardian of a child under 18 years of age, or in the name of an authorised person. Both the representation and the authorisation must be documented with appropriate documents. | The administrative fee for the extract is CZK 100 for the first page and CZK 50 for each subsequent page. | Act No. 378/2007 Coll., on Medicinal Products, as amended | | Submission to the public administration | Submission to the register of participants in the operation of the ISOH car wreck module | Ministry of the Environment | Decree No. 352/2008 Coll., on details of car wreck management, defines an information system for monitoring the flow of selected car wrecks for the registration of received car wrecks.\\ For the registration of car wrecks it is necessary for car wreck operators to register with the MA ISOH, which is currently enabled through Czech POINT. Wreck yard operators need to obtain access data to the wreck registration system. The access data contains a login and password that uniquely identifies the operator and the establishment of the collected wreck collection facility. Access to the system can only be obtained by an entrepreneurial entity that has obtained a permit from the relevant regional authority to carry out the activity of collecting collected car wrecks.\\ More detailed information on the issue of car wrecks is available at %%//%autovraky.cenia.cz/ in the Waste Management section. \\ Contact points of Czech POINT can perform the following activities related to MA ISOH:\\ - registration and issuance of access data,\\ - change in the assignment of establishments to user accounts,\\ - generation of one-time passwords to existing accounts.\\ The contact point employee performs an identity check of the applicant only for the purpose of verifying whether the applicant is authorised to act on behalf of the relevant institution. | For the business entity: operators of car wreck yards |To issue access data to the MA ISOH, the applicant must present:\\ - identification of the operator (identification number of the organisation),\\ - valid identity document,\\ - power of attorney to take over the authorisation to access the MA ISOH in case he/she is not the statutory body of the operator. | Issuance of the first page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is set by law at CZK 100; each additional page of the extract is subject to a fee, the maximum amount of which is set by law at CZK 50, on the details of car wreck management, as amended | | Submissions to the public administration |Receipt of submissions under the Trade Licensing Act (§ 72): | Ministry of Industry and Trade |According to § 72 of Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Licensing (Trade Licensing Act), all submissions to the municipal trade licensing offices can be forwarded through the public administration contact point. These are:\\ - declaration of trade\\ - declaration of data entered in the Trade Register or changes to it\\ - application for granting a licence\\ - application for amendment of the decision to grant a licence. | For the public | Fill in the form. |The legal fee collected by the Czech POINT office is 50 CZK for the receipt of the submission in case of self-government offices, at other Czech POINT contact points according to the price list. Additional fee is charged according to the type of submission. This second fee is intended for the Trade Licensing Office, to which it is then sent by the Czech POINT contact point. A change in the RŽP is active within 5 working days. | Act No. 455/1991 Coll., on Trade Business, as amended | | Mediated identification of a person |Issuance of a public document on identification of a person | Financial Analytical Office - Ministry of Finance|Issuance of a public document on identification of a person pursuant to Section 10 of Act No. 253/2008 Coll., on certain measures against the legalization of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism. The public document is accompanied by copies of the documents used to identify the subject. For the public - FOs, POs (represented by acting persons) or their proxies | The applicant must provide proof of identity in the case of a natural person and a certified power of attorney in the case of a proxy. An applicant applying as a legal person must provide proof of identity, proof of the existence of the legal person and evidence of authorisation to act on behalf of the legal person or, in the case of an agent, a certified power of attorney. The selection of required documents may be wider in individual cases (e.g. court decision). |The legal fee for the issuance of a public document is set at CZK 200. | Act No. 253/2008 Coll., on certain measures against the legalization of proceeds of crime and financing, as amended | | Basic registers | Extract of data from the register of residents (ROB) - non-public | Ministry of the Interior Department of Administrative Activities |The applicant can request in this agenda for an extract of reference data that are kept about his person in the register of residents (ROB). | For the public |The verification of the identity of the applicant or the principal is carried out. | The price for the extract is standard according to the Tariff of Administrative Fees, i.e. max. 100 CZK for the first page for each additional max. 50 CZK | Act No. 111/2009 Coll, on basic registers, as amended | | Basic registers | Extract of data from the Register of Persons (ROS) - non-public | Czech Statistical Office | This agenda can be used to request an extract of reference data of a natural person registered in the Register of Persons (ROS). | For the public. | No verification of the applicant's identity is performed | The price for the extract is standard according to the Tariff of Administrative Fees, i.e. max. 100 CZK for the first page for each additional max. 50 CZK. | Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on Basic Registers, as amended | | Basic registers | Public extract of data from the registers of persons (ROS) | Czech Statistical Office | The applicant may request an extract of reference data of any natural person or organisation registered in the register of persons (ROS). | For the public | No verification of the applicant's identity is required | The price for the extract is standard according to the Tariff of Administrative Fees, i.e. max. 100 CZK for the first page for each additional max. 50 CZK | Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on Basic Registers, as amended | | Basic registers | Extract on the use of data from the population register (ROB) |Ministry of the Interior Department of Administrative Activities |The applicant may request an extract of the use of reference data about his person in the ROB by public authorities ("who looked at me, when and for what purpose"). Select the period for which the extract is requested |For the public |Identity card. Verification of the identity of the applicant or the principal is carried out |The price for the extract is standard according to the Tariff of Administrative Fees, i.e. max. 100 CZK for the first page for each additional max. 50 CZK. |Basic registers |Extraction of the use of data from the register of persons (ROS) |Czech Statistical Office |The applicant may request an extract of the use of reference data of a natural person or organization in ROS by public authorities ("who looked at me, when and for what purpose"). The period for which the extract is requested is selected. |For the public |Identity card. The identity of the applicant is verified. The applicant must be a person authorized to act for the organization or directly for the individual business person |The price for the extract is standard according to the Tariff of Administrative Fees, i.e. max. 100 CZK for the first page for each additional max. 50 CZK. |Basic registers |Application for change of data in the population register |Ministry of the Interior Department of Administrative Activities |The applicant may apply for change of incorrect reference data that are kept about him in the population register (ROB). The applicant may apply for the change of his/her data in person or through an agent or legal representative. |For the public |Identity card. Verification of the applicant's identity is carried out |Free |Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, as amended | |Basic registers |Application for change in the register of persons |Czech Statistical Office |An applicant may apply for change of incorrect reference data which are kept in the register of persons (ROS) about an entrepreneurial natural person or organisation. |To the person authorised to act for the organisation or directly the entrepreneurial natural person. |Identity card. Verification of the applicant's identity is carried out. The applicant must be a person authorised to act for the organisation or directly for the natural person in question |Free |Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, as amended | |Basic registers |Request for provision of data to another person |Ministry of the Interior Department of Administrative Activities |The applicant may request (or withdraw) the provision of its reference data from the population register (ROB) and changes thereto to a third party. The reference data are subsequently sent to the data box of the third party to the extent specified by the applicant |For the public |The applicant may submit the request personally or through an agent or legal representative |Free of charge |Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on the Basic Registers, as amended | |Conversion on request and related services |Central repository of verification clauses |Ministry of the Interior, Department of eGovernment |On the basis of Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on electronic acts and authorized conversion of documents, the Czech POINT system keeps a central record of all clauses on conversion.\\ Through the web interface it is possible to verify the conversion output at %%//%www.czechpoint.cz/overovacidolozky/. For checking it is necessary to enter in the field Verification clause identification number - the number of the performed conversion, which is placed on the document under the 2D code. The system then displays the original conversion clause from the central repository of verification clauses as it was created during the conversion itself.\\ If the number in the central repository of verification clauses does not match the clause number entered for checking, it is a document that was not created by converting documents in any way. \\ In such a case, the controlled document cannot be considered as an output of document conversion. |For the public |Identification number of the verification clause - the number of the performed conversion, which is placed on the document under the 2D code |Free |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\ and authorized document conversion, as amended, introduces the term (authorized) document conversion. The technical parameters for conversion are specified in Decree No. 193/2009, on determining the details of carrying out authorized document conversion | |Document conversion on request and related services |CzechPoint System Storage |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Document Storage is a support system for document conversion. It is used for temporary storage of documents in the context of conversion.\\ When converting a document in paper form into a document contained in a data message or data file at the Czech POINT contact point, the converted document can be stored in the document depository for further use. The converted document will be stored in the depository for 3 days.\\ When converting a document contained in a data message or data file into a document in paper form, the input document can be stored in the depository via this portal or by sending it from the data box. Subsequently, it can be converted into paper form at a Czech POINT contact point. The document to be converted may be stored in the depository for up to 30 days.\\ The document stored for conversion must be in PDF version 1.3 or higher. In addition, the document must have a recognised electronic signature, mark or seal in case of conversion upon request.\\ Uncollected or unconverted documents will be automatically deleted after a specified period of time.\\ %%//%www.czechpoint.cz/uschovna/ |For the public |/ |Free |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\ and authorised document conversion, as amended, introduces the term (authorised) document conversion. The technical parameters for conversion are specified in Decree No. 193/2009, on determining the details of carrying out authorised document conversion | |Conversion on request and related services |Authorised conversion on request |Ministry of the Interior, Department of eGovernment |Conversion of a document in documentary form into a document contained in a data message or data file - the customer brings the document he wants to convert and chooses the form of output - CD/DVD or the possibility of sending it to the so-called "Depository", i.e. to the repository of converted documents, where it is collected within 7 days at the latest. The payment for the CD/DVD is made as part of the payment of the conversion fee. The output of the conversion will be a document in PDF version 1.7 and higher.\\\\ Conversion of a document contained in a data message or data file into a document in paper form - the document that the customer wants to convert can be brought on a CD/DVD or inserted into the Luggage (data storage) manually or by sending it from the customer's data box. In the latter case, the customer will bring with him/her a confirmation of insertion of the document into the data storage for the purpose of conversion, which contains its unambiguous identification. The input document must be in PDF version 1.3 or higher.\\\ Public authorities may use conversion ex officio for the exercise of their competences. |For the public |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts and authorised document conversion introduces the term document conversion. Technical parameters for conversion are specified in Decree No. 193/2009, on determining the details of the implementation of authorized document conversion\\ Conversion is:\\ 1. complete conversion of a document in documentary form into a document contained in a data message or data file in a manner ensuring the conformity of the content of these documents and attaching a clause on the conversion, or\\\ 2. the complete conversion of a document contained in a data message or data file into a document in documentary form in a manner ensuring the conformity of the content of these documents and the attachment of a clause on the conversion.\\ 3. The conversion does not confirm the correctness and truthfulness of the data contained in the input and their compliance with legal regulations. The clause on the conversion is stored in the Central Repository of Verification Clauses.\\ For the public, the so-called on-demand conversion is intended, which works as follows. |Fee for the medium (CD/DVD) and conversion |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\ and authorised conversion of documents, as amended, introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents. The technical parameters for conversion are specified in Decree No. 193/2009, on determining the details of carrying out authorised document conversion | |Data boxes |Application for the establishment of a data box |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |The Czech POINT Public Administration Contact Points can be used to submit an application for the establishment of a data box. The applicant shall submit proof of identity. The application is filled in electronically by the counter employee, then printed and presented to the customer for checking and signing. The data box will be set up within three days. After that, the customer will receive the access data by mail in his/her own hands |For the public |1. valid ID. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by that person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for this purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal entity upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal entity. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data boxes |Application for making a data box inaccessible |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Applicable in the case when the applicant needs to make a data box inaccessible pursuant to Section 11(4) of Act No. 300/2008 Coll., on Electronic Acts and Authorised Conversion of Documents. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by that person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for that purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal person upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal person. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data boxes |Application for re-access to data box |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Used to restore a previously inaccessible data box |For the public |1. valid ID. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by that person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for this purpose and notarised.\\2. In case a data box is established for a legal person upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal person. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data boxes |Application for invalidation of access data to a data box and issuance of new ones|Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |In case of loss or theft of access data to a data box, an authorised person to a data box may apply for invalidation of access data and issuance of new ones. The applicant shall provide proof of identity. The application is filled in electronically by the counter employee, then printed and presented to the customer for checking and signing. The invalidation of the existing access data will take place immediately, after which an e-mail will be automatically sent with a link to the activation portal where the applicant will collect the new access data |For the public |1. valid ID. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorized by this person on the basis of a power of attorney that is drawn up for this purpose and notarized.\\2. In case a data box is established for a legal entity upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal entity. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data boxes |Complaint handling for receipt of access data and issuance of new ones |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |This is how to check the status of a request to send new access data to a data box. It can be used by applicants who have requested access data to be sent to them via an email address and for some reason have not received the access data. The contact point staff will use the form to find the error, resolve it and complete the delivery of the new access data to the data box. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by that person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for that purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal person upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal person. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data boxes |Adding an authorised person to access a data box |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Adding an authorised person to access a data box. In the notification you must select the type of authorisation (authorised person, administrator). In addition, you need to set the rights for access of the authorised person. |For the public |1. valid ID. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by this person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for this purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal entity upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal entity. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data mailboxes |Deleting the access data of an authorised person (cancellation of a person) |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Deleting an authorised person who has access to a data mailbox. Deleting an authorised person will invalidate their access data. |For the public |1. valid identity document. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by that person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for that purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal entity upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal entity. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data mailboxes |Permission of PO/PFO/FO to deliver documents from PO/PFO/FO |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Data mailboxes are set to a special mode where commercial data messages can be delivered to a given data mailbox. This service is charged on the ISDS side. |For the public |1. valid ID. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by that person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for this purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal entity upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal entity. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Data boxes |Cancellation of PO/PFO/FO delivery of documents from PO/PFO/FO |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |Delivery of commercial messages to data boxes is cancelled. Only communication with public authorities is possible. |For the public |1. valid ID. If the applicant represents another person, he/she must be authorised by this person on the basis of a power of attorney drawn up for this purpose and notarised. In case a data box is established for a legal entity upon request, it is necessary to submit in addition to the application an appointment decree, a resolution of the general meeting or any other document that designates the person as an executive or statutory body for the legal entity. This document must also be officially certified. All documents attached to the application are converted into electronic form. Applications are then always subject to the administrative procedure. The conversion is carried out free of charge in these cases. Only conversion on request (CZK 30 per page) and reissuance of access data (CZK 200) are charged. |Act No. 300/2008 Coll. on electronic acts\\\ and authorised conversion of documents introduces the term (authorised) conversion of documents, as amended. |Activation of the identification means at the Czech POINT contact point|Activation of the identification means at the Czech POINT contact point |Ministry of the Interior, eGovernment Department |If you have decided to activate your user account (identification means Name, password and SMS) by providing reference data from the population register to another person at the Czech POINT branch, please follow the following instructions that we have prepared for you. The first step is to submit a request for the provision of reference data from the population register to another person, which in this case is the Administration of Basic Registers. You can make the request free of charge at any Czech POINT contact point. In the request filled in at the contact point, you must insert your identification code for attaching the consent in the message to the recipient, which is sent after the registration of the user account to the e-mail address you filled in. The same code is also sent to the filled in telephone number. |For the public |- Your identity document\\ - Your identification code\\ Then choose any of the Czech POINT branches. The contact points are located at the branches of the Czech Post or at municipal or city offices. If you are not sure of the address of the contact point, you can find the location of the nearest contact point on the Czech POINT website.\\ 1. At the counter, tell the official that you would like to provide "Request for providing reference data from the population register to another person".\\ 2. Present your ID card.\\ 3. Tell them that you want to provide your personal data to a legal entity with ID 72054506. This is the registration number of the Basic Registers Administration.\\ 4. When asked for the scope of the data provided, select the items "Date of birth" and "Electronically readable document numbers".\\ 5. Then enter your identification code in the message to the recipient.\\ 6. Finally, select the one-time provision option.\\\ The operator will print the completed application form for your review and signature. On this form, check in particular your personal data, the correct ID number identifying the Basic Registry Administration, the scope of the data provided (date of birth and document numbers) and check your identification code in the message to the recipient. If all the details are correct, sign the document and return it to the counter attendant. She will send your application and print you a confirmation.\\ Activation of your account as a means of identification for logging in outside the National Point portal usually takes place within a few minutes and it can be used fully to access online services.|Free | | ===== View of the universal point of contact ===== {{ :nap-document:egov_ukm_l2.png |}}